Year: 2021

Visitors out now!

Visitors – the new single from Unify Separate, is an epic anthem for a world in deep trouble. It’s about the ‘overview effect’, when astronauts  look back at Earth from space and realise how small, fragile and beautiful our planet is.  The soundscape is a mix of the Blade Runner soundtrack, Brian Eno and Muse…

Embrace the Fear (video teaser)

Radio Waves – out now!

Radio Waves, the new single from Unify Separate, is an elegy for a relationship or time lost, a place to which there’s no going back, in your head or in your heart. But if the message is bitter, then the medium is sweet. Because you have to mourn lost beauty in a beautiful way. And…

‘Embrace the Fear’ out now!

Why is it so many of us are living in fear? Fear of infection, fear of failure, fear of each other and even fear of our own shadow? What if we accepted our uncertainties and learned to live with them? What if we learned to embrace the fear, and by doing so make it lose…

The new single ‘Dying on the Vine’

The new Unify Separate single ‘Dying on the Vine’, which channels classic synthpop with acidic social commentary, is released on 15 January. These days, our lives are forever lived in the public eye. We share photos of the food we eat, voice our innermost secrets, bare our bad habits, pimp our pets and air our…